Handbook for multi-religious gatherings 2016
Ending corporal punishment of children – a handbook for multi-religious gatherings
Published by
Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, Save the Children & CNNV
Publication date
November 2016
Type of publication
This substantial resource which has been written in consultation with religious leaders and faith-based communities is based on the premises that the major religions profess respect for the inherent dignity of every person including children and that the universal principles of compassion, justice, equality and non-violence are central to religious teachings. It recognises the many opportunities faith-based communities have to promote prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment of children including through religious and spiritual observances such as pilgrimages, prayers, retreats, vigils and religious and spiritual teachings. Many of the materials are suitable for personal and collective use and can be freely adapted for the local context or used to trigger ideas for further reflection and discussion.
The handbook highlights opportunities for advocacy and action and encourages multi-religious collaboration including through global movements to end violence against children. It also contains a guide to reflection and discussion to mark the 10th anniversary of A Multi-religious Commitment to End Violence against Children – Kyoto Declaration. Writing in the foreword, Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General on Violence against Children stated:
This handbook is an important step in our common efforts to live up to the Kyoto Declaration, to promote the safeguarding of children’s rights and reach many of the targets in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, especially target 16.2 to end all forms of violence against children by 2030.
“The role of multi-religious collaboration is essential to bring together people of different faiths joining on a common platform and using their authoritative voice to promote children’s right to life with dignity, where fear and violence have no place, and to prevent the misuse of religious teachings and sacred texts to justify or condone any violent punishment of children.”
Although this publication can be used as a stand-alone resource, it is also designed to accompany “Ending corporal punishment of children – a handbook for working with religious communities” (2015) which contains additional information about the role of religious communities and faith-based institutions towards the prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment of children.
A Multi-religious Commitment to End Violence against Children – Kyoto Declaration: A 10th anniversary guide for reflection and discussionis also available in booklet form (see below).
If you have questions or comments about these or any of our resources, or to request hard copies, contact us at info@endcorporalpunishment.org.