2024 blog series: A critical year to #EndCorporalPunishment

In 2015 the world made a commitment to end violence against children by 2030. Every country signed up to SDG target 16.2, pledging to end all forms of violence, including corporal punishment. With only six years to go, progress has been made – but far too little, and children continue to experience high levels of violence in many contexts of their lives.

Alarmingly, in 2024 corporal punishment of children is still lawful in 132 states, only 14% of the world's children are fully protected from violent punishment by law, and it remains an everyday experience of violence for vast numbers of the world's children.

In our 2024 blog series we bring you a range of leaders, experts and advocates from across sectors and geographies, presenting evidence, experience and opinion, arguing for more commitment and action to end corporal punishment of children.



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2024 blog series

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Blog and call to action by End Corporal Punishment


Shoichi Sugiyama, Lawyer at Field-R Law Offices

August: Ending corporal punishment in child justice systems

From Punishment to Protection: Redefining Child Discipline in Detention Facilities to Support Development and Wellbeing

Redefining child discipline in detention facilities requires breaking the silence around harmful behaviours related to corporal punishment… Together, we can create a more humane and effective child (juvenile) justice system.





Dayan Farias Picon, Legal Officer and Valerie Chmara, Psychosocial Specialist Support, END VAC Team, UN Office on Drugs and Crime

July: Enacting legislation

Ireland’s Journey: “Why didn’t we do this years ago?”

It was the proudest achievement of my term as a Senator to have championed and secured the effective ban on the physical punishment of children in Ireland.



Jillian van Turnhout, Former Senator, Ireland

April: Commentary

It is time to end corporal punishment everywhere and keep our 2030 promise to children

Taken together, the prevalence, impacts and costs of corporal punishment indicate that a preventative, public health approach is an urgent priority.


Etienne Krug

Etienne Krug, Director, Department of Social Determinants of Health, World Health Organization