African e-newsletter issue 25 is out now!

This latest edition of the African newsletter provides a round-up of recent developments, campaigns and positive moves towards ending corporal punishment from across the continent. It presents new global and regional resources to support advocacy on the issue, as well as information from human rights monitoring bodies in Africa and beyond, including new recommendations made to African states by the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Human Rights Council and under the Universal Periodic Review, to prohibit all corporal punishment.

We hope this newsletter will be a useful resource to support individuals and organisations campaigning to prohibit and eliminate all corporal punishment of children – and to encourage the development of new campaigns where they are needed. If you have any queries or comments, please contact Sonia Vohito, Africa Project Coordinator, at

Download Issue 25 (May 2017) – EnglishFrench

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Previous issues are available here.