Mongolia becomes 49th state to prohibit all corporal punishment
Mongolia has enacted new legislation prohibiting all corporal punishment of children, including in the home. In February 2016, the Mongolian Parliament – the State Great Hural – passed the Law on Child Protection 2016 and the Law on the Rights of Children 2016, which confirm children’s right to protection from all corporal punishment, explicitly prohibit the use of corporal punishment by parents, carers and others, and put an obligation on parents and other adults caring for and educating children to use non-violent discipline.
Article 7(1) of the Law on the Rights of Children 2016 states (unofficial translation) states:
Children have the right to be protected from crime, offences or any forms of violence, physical punishment, psychological abuse, neglect and exploitation in all social settings.”
Article 2(6) of the Law on Child Protection 2016 states:
All types of physical and humiliating punishment against children by parents, guardians and third parties who are responsible for care, treatment, guidance and education of children and adolescents, during the upbringing and disciplining faulty behaviours of children are prohibited.”
Article 5(4) states:
During educating, upbringing and caring of children, parents, legal guardians, relatives, and teachers shall follow non-violent disciplinary methods.”
The new laws come into force on 1 September 2016.
With this reform, Mongolia becomes the 49th state to prohibit corporal punishment in all settings, including the home. It is the first state in Eastern and South Eastern Asia to achieve this reform.
Further information
- Further information on the reform in Mongolia
- The Global Initiative’s country report for Mongolia
- The latest facts and figures on global progress towards prohibition
- Table of progress worldwide towards universal prohibition