Global report 2014

Ending legalised violence against children: Global progress to December 2014
Published by
Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children & Save the Children
Publication date
December 2014
Type of publication
Remarkable progress was made towards universal prohibition of all corporal punishment in 2014 - the 25th anniversary year of the Convention on the Rights of the Child - but too many children are still growing up in countries where the law allows them to be hit and hurt by those closest to them.
This global progress report charts the growth in the list of states prohibiting, and making a commitment to prohibiting, all corporal punishment. It describes growing faith-based advocacy for reform and ever more systematic and rigorous research making visible this form of violence which children face on a daily basis. Packed with facts and figures – the good and the bad – as well as setting out the relevant international human rights standards and what the obligation to protect children from corporal punishment means in terms of law reform, it is intended to provoke and support continued advocacy on the issue.
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