Central Asia, South East Asia and the Pacific progress report 2014
Prohibiting corporal punishment of children in Central Asia, South East Asia and the Pacific: progress report 2014
Published by
Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children & Save the Children
Publication date
January 2014
Type of publication
This report reviews progress towards prohibition of corporal punishment in all states and territories in Central Asia, South East Asia and the Pacific – home to 590 million children – in the context of follow up to the UN Secretary General’s Study on Violence against Children. It includes:
- Detailed individual reports on each of the 48 states/territories in the region;
- Facts and figures on regional and global progress towards law reform;
- Analyses of human rights treaty body recommendations and recommendations made during the Universal Periodic Reviews of Asia/Pacific states and Governments’ responses to them;
- Summaries of prevalence and attitudinal research in the region;
- Information on faith-based support for prohibition in the region;
- A detailed look at what law reform means and how to ensure opportunities for achieving prohibition are not missed.
If you have questions or comments about this or any of our resources, or to request hard copies, contact us at info@endcorporalpunishment.org.