West and Central Africa progress report 2014


Prohibiting corporal punishment of children in West and Central Africa: progress report 2014

Published by

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, Plan International & Save the Children

Publication date

October 2014

Type of publication



English, French


West and Central Africa is home to nearly 237 million children. This report reviews progress towards prohibition of all corporal punishment of children across the region. Designed as a tool for advocacy, the urgent message of the report is that almost all West and Central African states have current opportunities to fulfil their human rights obligations to prohibit all corporal punishment of children in all settings of their lives including the home. Aiming to promote immediate action on these many opportunities for prohibition, the report documents the legal status of corporal punishment and the reforms needed to achieve prohibition in all West and Central African states and provides guidance on the process of law reform.

If you have questions or comments about this or any of our resources, or to request hard copies, contact us at info@endcorporalpunishment.org.