Global faith support summary 2015


Faith-based support for prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment of children – a global overview

Published by

Churches' Network for Non-violence (CNNV) & Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children

Publication date

May 2015

Type of publication





Faith-based support is an integral part of the global movement for prohibition of corporal punishment of children. Universal and religious values of compassion, justice, equality and non-violence transcend the­ological and denominational differences and form a basis for multi-religious cooperation towards eliminating violence against children. Growing numbers of religious communities and organisations regard ending legalised violence against children as both a moral and a religious imperative. For many communities this involves changing an often deeply entrenched culture of acceptance of physical punishment and challenging those who use their sacred texts and teachings to justify it.

This briefing provides examples of faith-based support across the world, including both multi-religious support for prohibition and relevant perspectives from specific faiths that can be used to advocate for prohibition. With extracts from key statements and links to further information, the summary is a key tool in addressing the faith-based elements of promoting prohibition and elimination of all corporal punishment of children.

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