Handbook for religious communities 2011
Ending corporal punishment of children: A handbook for working with and within religious communities
Published by
Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, Churches' Network for Non-violence (CNNV) & Save the Children Sweden
Publication date
June 2011
Type of publication
Packed with positive examples and links to resources, this handbook aims to help those working with and within religious communities to harness faith-based support for reform in their efforts to end corporal punishment of children. It includes:
- An introduction to the links between religion and corporal punishment of children
- Discussion on the prevalence of corporal punishment, its impact on children’s lives, children’s perspectives, the importance of legal reform and progress towards reform worldwide (including examples of the involvement of religious leaders)
- Consideration of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and how the guiding principles of the Convention are relevant to religious practice
- A look at faith-based support for prohibiting corporal punishment as well as challenges posed by faith-based opposition to corporal punishment and ways of responding to them
- Ways of engaging with religious leaders and organisations who provide unique opportunities for action towards prohibition, including examples of faith-based initiatives
- Information on further resources, including links to downloadable resources and useful websites.
A new handbook for worship and gatherings was published by the Global Initiative and the Churches’ Network for Non-violence in April 2015. Click here to read the new handbook.
If you have questions or comments about this or any of our resources, or to request hard copies, contact us at info@endcorporalpunishment.org.