Sudan prohibits corporal punishment in schools, day care and penal institutions
Sudan has undertaken law reform to prohibit corporal punishment in schools, day care and penal institutions.
In November 2020, pursuant to article 29(2) of the Child Act 2010, the Ministry of Education signed a Regulation on behaviour control in educational institutions (unofficial translation) to prohibit corporal punishment in all schools. Educational institutions are defined as preschool (including day care), basic, secondary schools, Quranic schools as well as industrial education centres, agricultural schools, adult education and special needs schools. The Regulation includes a list of positive discipline methods (chapter 5) and provides for sanctions (chapter 6). Civil society and partners are now mobilizing to implement the Regulation which will include teachers' training on positive discipline.
Sudan also enacted the Miscellaneous Amendments Law 2020 which amends the Criminal Code 1991 to repeal whipping and flogging by way of discipline and as a sentence for crime. The new law replaces whipping with probation and community service (article 47(b)).
Corporal punishment still needs to be prohibited in the home and in alternative care settings.
Find out more in our country report for Sudan.
Learn about global progress towards universal prohibition of corporal punishment and prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment in school settings.
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