Supporting moves towards prohibition in Mexico
Over the past few months, the Global Initiative has worked with Mexico’s national child protection system, Sistema Nacional de Protección de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes (SIPINNA) to improve child protection and reduce violence against children in Mexico by advancing the prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment in all settings.
Back in 2011, the Mexican Government adopted the Regional Roadmap on Violence against Children, which includes a recommendation to adopt national legislation to explicitly prohibit all corporal punishment and to repeal provisions allowing for “moderate” punishment/correction. Mexico is also a Pathfinding country with the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children and in August 2017 launched its End Violence National Action Plan 2017-2018 which identifies explicit prohibition of corporal punishment in all settings as a priority.
In April 2018, the Mexican Government hosted the Inter-American Forum on corporal punishment, Reunión Interamericana sobre castigo corporal contra niños, niñas y adolescentes, aimed at sharing experience and best practices in prohibiting and eliminating corporal punishment across the region.
In September, our Chair, Denise Stuckenbruck, held a webinar with 14 state-level SIPINNA Secretariats to discuss and advise on approaches and best practices in ending corporal punishment. And in October, the Global Initiative was in Mexico City to deliver, together with the national federal level SIPINNA Secretariat and supported by Save the Children México, an interactive workshop to build the capacity of state authorities in this area.
During the two-day event, representatives of Government and the juvenile justice and child protection systems from ten Mexican states, as well as federal authorities including the Supreme Court, collaborated to develop state strategies to prohibit corporal punishment, and action plans for effective implementation of the ban.
See pictures of the event below and read our report on Mexico.