The Global Initiative is recruiting Trustees to join our Board

Are you committed to child rights and the elimination of all violence against children? The Global Initiative’s current four trustees have excellent international experience in children’s rights, human rights law and child protection. We are looking to complement their skills by appointing a new Treasurer with good experience of UK charity and financial regulation, and up to three other trustees, […]

Bahrain commits to enacting prohibition of all corporal punishment

During its third cycle Universal Periodic Review, Bahrain received a recommendation to legally prohibit corporal punishment of children in all settings, including in the home, and to repeal all legal defences to its use. The Government responded to this recommendation ahead of the Human Rights Council’s 36th session and we are now able to confirm that […]

Aruba has prohibited all corporal punishment of children

The Global Initiative has confirmed that the 2016 Law amending the Civil Code in Aruba modified article 1:247 to include (unofficial translation): In the care and upbringing of the child, there is no neglect and the parents do not apply mental or physical violence or any other degrading treatment” The new provisions mirror those in […]

Committee on the Rights of the Child recommends prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment at latest session

The Committee’s 76th session was held in September 2017 and examined states’ implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Recommendations on the prohibition of corporal punishment and the implementation of existing bans were extended to all states examined: The Committee recommended to DPR Korea that the Government review the legislation to explicitly prohibit all […]

States respond to UPR recommendations to prohibit corporal punishment

The final working group reports of states examined during the 27th Universal Periodic Review were adopted in September 2017 at the Human Rights Council’s 36th session. States were under the obligation to confirm their formal responses to recommendations – either ‘supporting’ (accepting) or ‘noting’ them – before the start of the session. The meaning of ‘noting’ a […]

Montenegro has prohibited all corporal punishment of children

The Global Initiative has recently confirmed that amendments to Montenegro’s Family Law, passed in July 2016, included prohibition of all corporal punishment of children in Montenegro. The amendments, which came into force in August 2016, inserted article 9a which states: (1) Child [sic] shall not be subjected to corporal punishment or any other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. […]

Global newsletter issue 37 (June 2017) is out now!

The Global Initiative’s quarterly global newsletter provides a round-up of news and developments on corporal punishment from around the world. In this latest edition, we report on recent law reform workshops working towards prohibition of all corporal punishment in Myanmar and Viet Nam, and highlight moves towards prohibition and other positive developments from across the […]

Consultation opened on the England and Wales CPS Charging Standard

In England and Wales, corporal punishment is lawful in the home under section 58 of the Children Act 2004, which provides for “reasonable punishment” of children. Although the Children Act 2004 removed the recourse to the “reasonable punishment” defence for any offence more severe than common assault, at the time the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) Offences […]