Committee Against Torture recommends prohibition in all settings at 65th session
At its 65th session in November-December 2018, the Committee Against Torture issued recommendations and observations on corporal punishment of children:
- In its opening statement to the Committee, the Maldives delegation declared that the President was committed to prohibiting all corporal punishment of children, including in the home, and that the Government supported the new Protection of the Rights of the Child Bill which reportedly prohibits in all settings. The Committee recommended that the Maldives explicitly prohibit corporal punishment of children in all settings, including in the home, as a sentence for a crime, and under Shari’a law, and that they conduct public awareness-raising campaigns about the harmful effects of corporal punishment and promoting positive non-violent forms of discipline.
- To Viet Nam, the Committee recommended that it explicitly prohibits corporal punishment of children in all settings.
- The Committee welcomed the prohibition enacted by Peru in 2015 and the adoption of the implementing regulations of the ban in June 2018.
For further details, see the Global Initiative’s individual country reports for the Maldives, Peru and Viet Nam.
For further information on the obligation to prohibit corporal punishment under the Convention Against Torture and to see the Committee’s recommendations in full, see the Global Initiative’s page on the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.