Global Initiative defines strategy for 2019-20
This month, our team met for a week of brainstorming and strategy planning near our London office. As a small, efficient team that includes regional and remote working and various travel commitments throughout the year, this week together is an important time for us to develop and refine our ongoing strategy and annual work plan collectively.
It provides an opportunity to take stock of the previous year's work, including the many successes and milestones achieved, both in terms of global progress towards our vision and as an organisation. Many of these achievements are outlined in our annual global report, published earlier this year, which is available to view here.
We also welcomed our new Development Manager, Daisy Badham. Daisy joined the Global Initiative this month to support the development and implementation of our fundraising strategy and supporter base.
Throughout the week, we considered our key objectives and discussed the most effective methods of working to achieve our goals for the coming year. This includes ensuring continued support to our global network, as well as establishing new and innovative ways of working with diverse partners and supporters. We hope to grow and develop our network in the coming year and will have some exciting announcements about this in the coming months.
Finally, we considered our comprehensive knowledge-base and how we can continue to adapt our resources to best support governments, intergovernmental and civil society partners working to end violence against children in a changing global landscape. We discussed new and exciting ways of sharing accessible information to empower them to advocate for and support change in their contexts and at all levels, from national to communities and families. More to come - watch this space!