States receive recommendations on corporal punishment at UPR 32

The issue of corporal punishment of children was raised with several of the states under review at the Universal Periodic Review’ 32nd session in January/February 2019:

  • Vanuatu supported several clear recommendations to explicitly prohibit corporal punishment of children in all settings. In light of recent governmental declarations, we are seeking confirmation that Vanuatu is indeed committed to enacting a clear prohibition of all forms of corporal punishment of children – see the detailed country report for more information.
  • Afghanistan, Chile and the Comoros received recommendations to prohibit corporal punishment in all settings and deferred their responses to the 41st session of the Human Rights Council in June 2019.
  • Slovakia also deferred its response to a recommendation to “put an end to corporal punishment of children in all settings”.
  • Uruguay supported a recommendation to effectively implement the legislation enacted in 2007 to prohibit all corporal punishment of children.

Cambodia, the Dominican Republic, Eritrea, Viet Nam and Yemen all did not receive specific recommendations on corporal punishment, despite not having enacted a ban. Cyprus, New Zealand and North Macedonia, which achieved prohibition in 1994, 2007 and 2013 respectively, also did not receive a recommendation on corporal punishment.

For further details, see the Global Initiative’s individual country reports for Afghanistan, Cambodia, Chile, Comoros, Cyprus, the Dominican Republic, Eritrea, New Zealand, Slovakia, North Macedonia, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Viet Nam and Yemen.

Visit our page on the Universal Periodic Review for more information on the review process.