Human Rights Council’s 43rd session adopts final reports for UPR 34
During its 43rd session, the Human Rights Council adopted the final working group reports for the Universal Periodic Review’s 34th session, which included states’ final formal responses to all recommendations extended. States can either ‘support’ (accept) or ‘note’ UPR recommendations:
- Angola, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kazakhstan supported recommendations to prohibit all corporal punishment of children.
- Iraq gave partial support to a recommendation to prohibit all corporal punishment, stating that “corporal punishment is prohibited in all circumstances save where corporal punishment is taken to mean the death penalty”.
- Egypt gave a mixed response to recommendations to prohibit corporal punishment in all settings, partially supporting one and supporting the other, and stating that the law already prohibited corporal punishment of children in all settings.
- Iran also gave a mixed response to recommendations on corporal punishment: it did not support the recommendations on corporal punishment as a sentence for a crime and noted another recommendation on prohibiting all corporal punishment of children in all settings.
- Despite the ongoing legality of corporal punishment in El Salvador and Italy, no recommendations on the issue were made to them. They both supported general recommendations on the protection of children from violence.
Slovenia supported a recommendation to implement the existing ban (enacted in 2016) effectively.
For further information:
- Read our report on the initial outcomes of the 34th session of the Universal Periodic Review
- Visit our page on the Universal Periodic Review for more information on the review process
- See also the individual country reports of states reviewed in the 34th session: Angola, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, El Salvador, Fiji, Gambia, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, San Marino and Slovenia.
- For information on how you can support the campaign to protect all children from corporal punishment, have a look at how to get involved.