Global report 2019
Global report 2019: Progress towards ending corporal punishment of children
Published by
Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
Publication date
February 2020
Type of publication
Since the UN Secretary General's Study on Violence against Children recommended universal prohibition of corporal punishment as a matter of urgency in 2006, our annual global reports have tracked progress towards this vital goal for children. Government commitments to address violence against children have accelerated in recent years, since the adoption of SDG Target 16.2. This report reveals the states we consider committed to prohibiting corporal punishment - the most pervasive form of violence against children - following a review in 2019 which saw the number of committed states fall dramatically.
This report also presents the current global context for working to #EndCorporalPunishment. It describes how the Global Initiative is growing a global movement by mobilising and supporting national actors to change their laws and social attitudes to protect children, and how you can get involved. It highlights the major achievements of 2019, as well as the areas in need of most urgent attention, and looks forward to what's coming up in 2020.
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