San Marino achieves prohibition
San Marino has become the latest state to achieve prohibition of all corporal punishment of children in 2014. In September, criminal and family laws were amended to prohibit corporal punishment in all settings, including the home. The Law of 26 April 1986 No. 49 on Family Law Reform now states in article 57:
“Children have the right to protection and security, and shall not be subjected to corporal punishment or other treatment harmful to their physical and psychological integrity.”
The Penal Code provision against abuse of power/authority (article 234) now states clearly that the use of corporal punishment in the exercise of the power to correct or discipline is an offence under the law.
This reform brings the total number of states worldwide prohibiting all corporal punishment of children to 42, the number in Europe to 26. San Marino is the eighth state this year to be added to the list of fully prohibiting states.
For further information, see the states prohibiting page, and the detailed country report on San Marino.