Series of FAQ booklets now available in Thai
On 28 August 2018, the Thai edition of our series of booklets answering common questions about prohibiting all corporal punishment, published with Save the Children Sweden, were launched by Save the Children Thailand at a national forum “Talk for Change”. The forum provided a platform for children to have their say about physical punishment at home and in school and what adults can do for them to prevent and eliminate the practice. See pictures from the event below and find out more about the initiative by searching the campaign and hashtag “Yateedek”.
The booklets aim to provide answers to the most frequently asked questions and dispel common misperceptions about the reasons for prohibiting corporal punishment and its impact on families. There are three booklets in the series, including a booklet which provides answers in a way that is accessible to children and young people, and another which addresses specific questions related to prohibiting corporal punishment in schools.
The booklets are now available in 11 languages, with more on the way.
(Photo credit: Save the Children Thailand)