Non-violent Childhoods

Moving on from Corporal Punishment in the Baltic Sea Region

This two-year project, led by the Council of the Baltic Sea States in cooperation with the Global Initiative and supported by the European Commission, aims to promote effective implementation of legal bans on corporal punishment through collaborative, multi-stakeholder planning and action. The initiative draws on the experience of states in the Baltic Sea Region where ten out of 11 states have prohibited all corporal punishment – ranging from those with over 30 years’ experience implementing the ban to those that have just recently embarked on this journey.

National consultations and a series of thematic expert consultations were held across the region during 2017-2018 to inform guidance materials to convey key messages and best practices for bringing national laws into practice:

A Step-by-Step Guide to achieve an end to corporal punishment

Implementing prohibition of corporal punishment in domestic settings

Awareness-raising campaigns to achieve an end to corporal punishment

Service provision for children and parents to end to corporal punishment

Positive parenting to achieve an end to corporal punishment

Tracking Progress: Measuring changes in attitudes and behaviour

The guidance reports were launched at a high-level conference in Stockholm, Sweden, in November 2018. The event was co-hosted by the Swedish Government and the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General on Violence Against Children, Marta Santos Pais. See pictures opposite.

Full reports of the national consultations are also available. Read the reports and more about the initiative, national partners and activities on the project website: 

Visit the project website
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(Photo credit: Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children, 2018)