African e-newsletter issue 25 is out now!

This latest edition of the African newsletter provides a round-up of recent developments, campaigns and positive moves towards ending corporal punishment from across the continent. It presents new global and regional resources to support advocacy on the issue, as well as information from human rights monitoring bodies in Africa and beyond, including new recommendations made […]

Indonesia commits to achieving prohibition of corporal punishment at the 27th UPR session

The 27th session of the Universal Periodic Review, which introduced the mechanism’s third cycle, closed on 12 May 2017. Fourteen states were reviewed on their overall human rights record and ten states received recommendations relating to corporal punishment: The Governments of Ecuador and Indonesia supported recommendations to prohibit corporal punishment in all settings. This represents a new commitment to […]

States respond to UPR recommendations to prohibit corporal punishment

At the 34th session of the Human Rights Council, held in February/March 2017, the working group reports of states reviewed at the 26th session of the UPR in November 2016 were adopted. The formal responses of Governments that did not respond at the time to recommendations made during their reviews are included in the reports. Eleven states were […]

Zimbabwe High Court declares corporal punishment unconstitutional

On 28 February 2017, the High Court of Zimbabwe ruled that parents and teachers who inflicted corporal punishment on children were in breach of the 2013 Constitution. Indeed, the new Constitution guarantees people’s right to protection from “physical or psychological torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” (section 53) and from “all […]

Global newsletter issue 36 (February 2017) is out now!

The Global Initiative’s quarterly global newsletter provides a round-up of news and developments on corporal punishment from around the world. In this latest edition, we report on recent law reform to prohibit all corporal punishment in Slovenia and Lithuania, moves towards prohibition in Ecuador, Malaysia, Pakistan and USA, and other positive developments in Kazakhstan and […]

Lithuania prohibits all corporal punishment of children

During an extraordinary session on 14 February 2017, the Lithuanian Parliament – the Seimas – passed amendments to the Law on the Fundamentals of Protection of the Rights of the Child 1996, prohibiting all corporal punishment of children. The new law defines corporal punishment as “any punishment in which physical force is used to cause […]

African e-newsletter issue 24 is out now!

This latest edition of the African newsletter documents recent developments, campaigns and positive moves towards ending corporal punishment from across the region – including an advocacy intervention in Togo to move from prohibition to elimination of all corporal punishment. It presents the new annual global report from the Global Intiative, as well as information from […]