Human Rights Committee recommends prohibition of all corporal punishment in Slovenia and South Africa

At its 116th session in March, the Human Rights Committee examined states on their implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – including on the obligation to prohibit all corporal punishment of children. In its concluding observations on the review of Slovenia, the Committee expressed concern that corporal punishment is not explicitly prohibited […]

Progress and delay in Africa – updated briefing from the Global Initiative

Seven African states have achieved prohibition of corporal punishment of children in all settings, including the home, and recommendations to prohibit all corporal punishment of children have been accepted by 19 African states. On the other hand, 25% of Africa’s children live in states where corporal punishment is not fully prohibited in any setting. These facts […]

New Caribbean progress briefing

The second issue of the Caribbean Coalition for the Abolition of Corporal Punishment of Children’s briefing which documents progress towards prohibiting corporal punishment of children across the region is now available. Designed for advocacy use, the briefing highlights the human rights imperative to prohibit all violent punishment of children in all Caribbean states and territories. For each […]

More states accept UPR recommendations to prohibit corporal punishment

At the 31st session of the Human Rights Council, held in February/March 2016, the working group reports of states reviewed in the 23rd session of the UPR in November 2015 were adopted and Governments that did not respond at the time to the recommendations made during their reviews have now given their formal responses to the Council. […]

Mongolia becomes 49th state to prohibit all corporal punishment

Mongolia has enacted new legislation prohibiting all corporal punishment of children, including in the home. In February 2016, the Mongolian Parliament – the State Great Hural – passed the Law on Child Protection 2016 and the Law on the Rights of Children 2016, which confirm children’s right to protection from all corporal punishment, explicitly prohibit […]

Global Initiative e-newsletter issue 33 (February 2016)

The global newsletter provides a round-up of news and develoments on corporal punishment from around the world. In this edition, we present the latest global progress report from the Global Initiative and Save the Children, charting progress to December 2015, and five other useful resources for advocacy. We also report on new laws prohibiting all […]

States receive recommendations to prohibit all corporal punishment at the 24th session of the Universal Periodic Review

The 24th session of the Universal Periodic Review was held 18-29 January 2016. Fourteen states were held accountable for their overall human rights records – and for 11, this included their obligation to prohibit and eliminate all corporal punishment of children. Three of the states examined have already achieved law reform to prohibit corporal punishment in […]

Latest recommendations from the Committee on the Rights of the Child

The Committee on the Rights of the Child has made strong recommendations on prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment to states examined at its 71st session held in January 2016. In a number of cases, the Committee referred to the new context of the Sustainable Development Goals, target 16.2 on ending violence against children. To Benin, the […]

Caribbean Coalition for the Abolition of Corporal Punishment of Children e-newsletter issue 6 now available

The Caribbean Coalition for the Abolition of Corporal Punishment of Children (CCACPC) has released the sixth issue of its e-newsletter. This latest edition describes recent developments in Barbados and Jamaica, and sets the global context. It highlights new advocacy resources, including a new global report documenting progress towards prohibition, and provides the latest news on […]