Series of FAQ booklets now available in Portuguese!

The Global Initiative and Save the Children Sweden are delighted to present Portuguese editions our series of three booklets which provide answers to questions that commonly arise when we think about prohibiting all corporal punishment of children. Read the booklets in Portuguese These booklets should give parents and carers, government officials, education professionals and others the […]

UAE commits to prohibiting all corporal punishment of children at Human Rights Council’s 38th session

During its 38th session, the Human Rights Council adopted the final working group reports of the Universal Periodic Review’s 29th session. States which had left their responses to recommendations pending were under the obligation to either ‘support’ (accept) or ‘note’ them before the start of the session. The United Arab Emirates supported recommendations to prohibit […]

ACERWC recommends prohibition of corporal punishment to all states examined at 29th session

Concluding observations from the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child’s 29th session have been published. Although the examination of Sierra Leone was postponed to a later session, the remaining four states under examination received recommendations on corporal punishment of children: To Chad, the Committee recommended prohibition in all settings, […]

New report tracks progress in Pathfinding countries

The Agenda 2030 for Children: End Violence Solutions Summit takes place in Stockholm, Sweden, this week on 14-15 February 2018. Ahead of the Summit, the Global Initiative is delighted to present a new report tracking progress on ending corporal punishment of children in Pathfinding countries. These countries have committed to three to five years of accelerated action towards target 16.2 […]

Seychelles prohibits corporal punishment in schools

The Education (Amendment) Act 2017 was passed by the National Assembly of the Seychelles in December 2017 to enact an explicit prohibition of corporal punishment in schools. The Act amends article 68 of the Education Act 2004 to state: “(1) All schools and educational institutions shall, in consultation with the Principal Secretary and in accordance […]

Series of FAQ booklets now available in Mandarin!

The Global Initiative and Save the Children Sweden are delighted to present Mandarin versions of our series of three booklets which provide answers to questions that commonly arise when we think about prohibiting all corporal punishment of children. The first booklet answers the most frequently asked questions and dispels common misperceptions about the reasons for a legal […]

Ghana commits to prohibiting all corporal punishment at UPR’s 28th session

During the 28th session of the Universal Periodic Review in November 2017, the human rights record of the following fourteen states were reviewed: Ghana accepted recommendations to prohibit corporal punishment in all settings, making a clear commitment to enacting law reform. Recent governmental declarations have confirmed this commitment, particularly in light of the upcoming review of the […]

Bahrain commits to enacting prohibition of all corporal punishment

During its third cycle Universal Periodic Review, Bahrain received a recommendation to legally prohibit corporal punishment of children in all settings, including in the home, and to repeal all legal defences to its use. The Government responded to this recommendation ahead of the Human Rights Council’s 36th session and we are now able to confirm that […]

Aruba has prohibited all corporal punishment of children

The Global Initiative has confirmed that the 2016 Law amending the Civil Code in Aruba modified article 1:247 to include (unofficial translation): In the care and upbringing of the child, there is no neglect and the parents do not apply mental or physical violence or any other degrading treatment” The new provisions mirror those in […]