Committee Against Torture recommends prohibition at latest session

At the Committee Against Torture’s 62nd session in November/December 2017, the Committee extended recommendations on corporal punishment to two states:

  • To Rwanda, the Committee expressed concern at the reports of frequent beatings suffered by detainees in penal institutions. It recommended that the Government monitor disciplinary practices inside prisons and ensure that corporal punishment is strictly prohibited.
  • In its concluding observations on Timor-Leste’s initial report, the Committee welcomed the adoption on the National Action Plan for Children’s Rights 2016-2020 which commits the Government to enacting prohibition of corporal punishment in all settings by 2018. As for Rwanda, it recommended the prohibition of all corporal punishment in penal institutions. The Committee also regretted the legality of corporal punishment of children and recommended its explicit prohibition in all settings.


For further details, see the Global Initiative’s individual country reports for Rwanda and Timor-Leste.

For further information on the obligation to prohibit corporal punishment under the Convention Against Torture and to see the Committee’s recommendations in full, see the Global Initiative’s page on the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

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