Arab Charter on Human Rights
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The Arab Charter on Human Rights requires states to ensure the prohibition of all forms of violence or abuse in relations among family members, particularly against women and children, and to take all necessary legislative, administrative and judicial measures to guarantee the protection, survival, development and well-being of the child in an atmosphere of freedom and dignity (article 33). It requires states to ensure special treatment to children at risk which takes account of their age and protects their dignity (article 17), and to guarantee everyone’s rights not to be subjected to physical or psychological torture or to cruel, degrading, humiliating or inhuman treatment (article 8) and to equality (article 11) and recognition as a person (article 22) before the law.
Art. 8: "(1) No one shall be subjected to physical or psychological torture or to cruel, degrading, humiliating or inhuman treatment."
Art. 33: "(2) The State and society shall ensure the protection of the family, the strengthening of family ties, the protection of its members and the prohibition of all forms of violence or abuse in the relations among its members, and particularly against women and children. They shall also ensure the necessary protection and care for mothers, children, older persons and persons with special needs and shall provide adolescents and young persons with the best opportunities for physical and mental development.
"(3) The States parties shall take all necessary legislative, administrative and judicial measures to guarantee the protection, survival, development and well-being of the child in an atmosphere of freedom and dignity and shall ensure, in all cases, that the child's best interests are the basic criterion for all measures taken in his regard, whether the child is at risk of delinquency or is a juvenile offender."
Further information
- Full text of the Arab Charter on Human Rights (2004)