Committee on the Rights of the Child recommends prohibition at 79th session

The Committee finished its 79th session in early October 2018 and issued recommendations to prohibit all corporal punishment to all of the states examined: To El Salvador, the Committee expressed concern that corporal punishment was still lawfully and culturally justified. It recommended that a law prohibiting corporal punishment in all settings is adopted and that the […]

CRPD recommends prohibition at latest session

At its 20th session in August-September 2018, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities issued recommendations on corporal punishment: In line with the submissions of the Global Initiative and of the South African Human Rights Commission, as well as Target 16.2 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee recommended to South Africa that […]

Human Rights Council’s 39th session adopts final reports for UPR 30

The Human Rights Council adopted final working group reports during its 39th session in September 2018, which included states’ formal responses to recommendations extended at the Universal Periodic Review’s 30th session. States can either ‘support’ (accept) or ‘note’ UPR recommendations. Azerbaijan had already supported recommendations to enact prohibition of corporal punishment; it supported a further […]

Nepal prohibits all corporal punishment of children

In September 2018, Nepal adopted the Act relating to Children 2018 which explicitly prohibits corporal punishment of children in all settings. It was certified by the President of Nepal on 18 September 2018 and has now come into effect. Section 7(5) of the Act states (unofficial translation): “Each child has a right to be protected […]

African newsletter (issue 29) is out now in English and French

Our African newsletters are published quarterly in English and French, providing a round-up of recent developments, campaigns and positive moves towards ending corporal punishment from across the continent. This latest edition also presents new resources to support advocacy on the issue, as well as information from African and UN human rights monitoring bodies, including new […]

Series of FAQ booklets now available in Thai

On 28 August 2018, the Thai edition of our series of booklets answering common questions about prohibiting all corporal punishment, published with Save the Children Sweden, were launched by Save the Children Thailand at a national forum “Talk for Change”. The forum provided a platform for children to have their say about physical punishment at […]

Committee Against Torture recommends prohibition at latest session

At its 64th session in July-August 2018, the Committee Against Torture issued recommendations on corporal punishment of children: The Committee mistakenly welcomed the Child Protection Code 2017 of Mauritania as having prohibited all corporal punishment of children, as Mauritania’s state report had reported as such – in fact there is no explicit prohibition in the […]

Human Rights Committee issues recommendation on prohibition at 123rd session

At its 123rd session in July 2018, the Human Rights Committee examined states on their implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and issued recommendations and observations on corporal punishment of children: To Liberia, the Committee expressed concern at the fact that corporal punishment is not prohibited in all settings and recommended […]