Japan takes steps towards prohibiting corporal punishment of children

The Global Initiative welcomes the amendments adopted in the Diet on 19 June 2019 as an important step towards fulfilling children’s right to be protected from all corporal punishment. The legislation adopted amends article 14(1) of the Child Abuse Prevention Law 2000 to state (unofficial translation): A person who exercises parental authority over a child […]

Promoting law reform to prohibit all corporal punishment of children in Indonesia

The Indonesian Alliance for the Elimination of Violence against Children (Aliansi Penghapusan Kekerasan terhadap Anak) in partnership with the Global Initiative, and with funding from the INSPIRE fund, held a workshop on “Promoting and achieving law reform to prohibit all corporal punishment of children in Indonesia”. The workshop took place on 8-10 April 2019 in […]

Philippines President vetoes Positive Discipline Bill

We are disappointed to announce that the expected achievement of prohibition of all corporal punishment of children in the Philippines has hit a major obstacle. In December 2018 the Positive Discipline Bill finally passed third reading in both houses and was expected to be signed into law by the President early this year. However, on […]