Guyana prohibits corporal punishment of children in the penal system

In June 2018, Guyana enacted the Juvenile Justice Act 2018 to prohibit all corporal punishment of children in penal institutions and as a sentence for a crime. Article 92 of the Act states: (1) Any juvenile who breaches the rules of a facility may be disciplined on the instruction of the Principal of the facility […]

Series of FAQ booklets now available in Portuguese!

The Global Initiative and Save the Children Sweden are delighted to present Portuguese editions our series of three booklets which provide answers to questions that commonly arise when we think about prohibiting all corporal punishment of children. Read the booklets in Portuguese These booklets should give parents and carers, government officials, education professionals and others the […]

UAE commits to prohibiting all corporal punishment of children at Human Rights Council’s 38th session

During its 38th session, the Human Rights Council adopted the final working group reports of the Universal Periodic Review’s 29th session. States which had left their responses to recommendations pending were under the obligation to either ‘support’ (accept) or ‘note’ them before the start of the session. The United Arab Emirates supported recommendations to prohibit […]

ACERWC recommends prohibition of corporal punishment to all states examined at 29th session

Concluding observations from the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child’s 29th session have been published. Although the examination of Sierra Leone was postponed to a later session, the remaining four states under examination received recommendations on corporal punishment of children: To Chad, the Committee recommended prohibition in all settings, […]

Systematic recommendations on corporal punishment at the CRC’s 78th session

During its 78th session which finished earlier this month, the Committee on the Rights of the Child examined five states on their implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. All of them received recommendations on corporal punishment: To Angola, which had declared that corporal punishment of children “when administered by an official […]

Committee Against Torture recommends prohibition at 63rd session

The Committee Against Torture held its 63rd session in April-May 2018 and issued recommendations on corporal punishment of children: To Belarus, the Committee expressed concern at the levels of violence against children in institutions, and regretted that there was no explicit prohibition of all corporal punishment of children. It recommended a clear and explicit prohibition […]

States receive recommendations to prohibit at UPR’s 30th session

The Universal Periodic Review’s 30th session came to an end in May 2018. Fourteen states underwent their third cycle examination, with all but two receiving recommendations on corporal punishment of children: Bangladesh renewed its commitment to enacting prohibition by supporting several recommendations to do so. Uzbekistan also supported a recommendation to prohibit corporal punishment of […]

CRPD recommends prohibition to states at latest session

At its 19th session in February-March 2018, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities issued recommendations on corporal punishment to the most of the states reviewed. The Committee also adopted General Comment No. 6 on “Equality and non-discrimination” which reiterated states’ obligation to prohibit corporal punishment in all settings. To Haiti, the Committee expressed concern that children […]

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recommends prohibition in new General Comment

The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted General Comment No.6 (2018) on “Article 5: Equality and non-discrimination” at its 19th session, held in February – March 2018. Following on from General Comment No.4 (2014) on “Article 24: Right to inclusive education”, in which the Committee made clear that States parties must prohibit all forms of corporal […]