ACERWC recommends prohibition of corporal punishment at 30th session

Concluding observations from the 30th session of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child’s in December 2017 have been published. Both states reviewed received recommendations to prohibit all corporal punishment of children: The Committee noted that corporal punishment was still “highly practiced” in Angola and recommended that the Government […]

Zimbabwe Constitutional Court outlaws judicial corporal punishment

On 3 April 2019, the Constitutional Court of Zimbabwe ruled that, with immediate effect, no male juvenile convicted of any offence could be sentenced to receive corporal punishment. The prohibition was extended to apply to sentences of corporal punishment which had already been imposed but were awaiting execution. The decision confirmed a 2014 judgment by […]

Supporting moves to end violence against children in Côte d’Ivoire

The Ivorian Child Rights Coalition, in partnership with the Global Initiative and Save the Children Côte d’Ivoire, in collaboration with the Ministry in charge of child protection and with funding from the INSPIRE fund, held a workshop on the “harmonisation of national legislation with international and regional standards” which focused specifically on corporal punishment, child […]

Landmark moment for child rights in South Africa Joint press release by respondents and interested parties in the case of YG v State

[Children’s Institute, Peace Centre, Sonke Gender Justice, Centre for Child Law, Save the Children SA, The Parent Centre; Global Initiative to End All Forms of Corporal Punishment.] On 29 November 2018, the Constitutional Court will consider the constitutionality of the use of corporal punishment in the home. The Constitutional Court has prohibited corporal punishment in […]

African newsletter (issue 29) is out now in English and French

Our African newsletters are published quarterly in English and French, providing a round-up of recent developments, campaigns and positive moves towards ending corporal punishment from across the continent. This latest edition also presents new resources to support advocacy on the issue, as well as information from African and UN human rights monitoring bodies, including new […]

Series of FAQ booklets now available in Portuguese!

The Global Initiative and Save the Children Sweden are delighted to present Portuguese editions our series of three booklets which provide answers to questions that commonly arise when we think about prohibiting all corporal punishment of children. Read the booklets in Portuguese These booklets should give parents and carers, government officials, education professionals and others the […]