Supporting moves towards prohibition in Mexico
Over the past few months, the Global Initiative has worked with Mexico’s national child protection system, Sistema Nacional de Protección de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes (SIPINNA) to improve child protection and reduce violence against children in Mexico by advancing the prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment in all settings. Back in 2011, the Mexican Government adopted […]
Guyana prohibits corporal punishment of children in the penal system
In June 2018, Guyana enacted the Juvenile Justice Act 2018 to prohibit all corporal punishment of children in penal institutions and as a sentence for a crime. Article 92 of the Act states: (1) Any juvenile who breaches the rules of a facility may be disciplined on the instruction of the Principal of the facility […]
Series of FAQ booklets now available in Portuguese!
The Global Initiative and Save the Children Sweden are delighted to present Portuguese editions our series of three booklets which provide answers to questions that commonly arise when we think about prohibiting all corporal punishment of children. Read the booklets in Portuguese These booklets should give parents and carers, government officials, education professionals and others the […]
Aruba has prohibited all corporal punishment of children
The Global Initiative has confirmed that the 2016 Law amending the Civil Code in Aruba modified article 1:247 to include (unofficial translation): In the care and upbringing of the child, there is no neglect and the parents do not apply mental or physical violence or any other degrading treatment” The new provisions mirror those in […]