New global group looks at data and evidence to end violence against children

A new global group met in Florence, Italy last week to examine progress and gaps in evidence to help achieve an end to violence against children. On 18-19 March 2019, the Global Initiative joined representatives from UNICEF, UNESCO, WHO, the Global Partnership to End Violence Violence Against Children and more at the Multi-stakeholder Forum on […]

States receive recommendations on corporal punishment at UPR 32

The issue of corporal punishment of children was raised with several of the states under review at the Universal Periodic Review’ 32nd session in January/February 2019: Vanuatu supported several clear recommendations to explicitly prohibit corporal punishment of children in all settings. In light of recent governmental declarations, we are seeking confirmation that Vanuatu is indeed […]

Supporting moves to end violence against children in Côte d’Ivoire

The Ivorian Child Rights Coalition, in partnership with the Global Initiative and Save the Children Côte d’Ivoire, in collaboration with the Ministry in charge of child protection and with funding from the INSPIRE fund, held a workshop on the “harmonisation of national legislation with international and regional standards” which focused specifically on corporal punishment, child […]

Philippines President vetoes Positive Discipline Bill

We are disappointed to announce that the expected achievement of prohibition of all corporal punishment of children in the Philippines has hit a major obstacle. In December 2018 the Positive Discipline Bill finally passed third reading in both houses and was expected to be signed into law by the President early this year. However, on […]