We are recruiting: Development Manager

The Global Initiative is changing rapidly! We have worked for 17 years to secure support for our mission – to end violence against children through the universal prohibition and elimination of all corporal punishment, the most pervasive and accepted form of violence against children. Since the UN published the global study on violence in 2006, […]

Committee Against Torture recommends prohibition in all settings at 65th session

At its 65th session in November-December 2018, the Committee Against Torture issued recommendations and observations on corporal punishment of children: In its opening statement to the Committee, the Maldives delegation declared that the President was committed to prohibiting all corporal punishment of children, including in the home, and that the Government supported the new Protection of […]

CEDAW issues recommendations on corporal punishment of children

At its 71st session in October – November 2018, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women issued recommendations on corporal punishment of children: To the Bahamas, the Committee recommended the prohibition of corporal punishment of children in homes and schools as well as the strengthening of awareness-raising programmes promoting non-violent discipline. The Committee expressed […]

France : proposition de loi votée à l’Assemblée Nationale

English version follows Mis à jour le 3 décembre pour clarifier la nouvelle formulation et le statut actuel de la proposition de loi   La Global Initiative étend ses félicitations et remerciements à Maud Petit, pour son travail acharné et son dévouement à la cause, à Agnès Buzyn pour avoir transmis le soutien du gouvernement, […]

States receive recommendations on corporal punishment at UPR 31

The Universal Periodic Review’s 31st session finished on 16 November 2018. Most of the states which were under examination by the Working Group received recommendations on corporal punishment: Monaco supported several clear recommendations to adopt legislation explicitly prohibiting corporal punishment of children in all settings. Chad and Senegal gave mixed responses to recommendations on corporal […]

Landmark moment for child rights in South Africa Joint press release by respondents and interested parties in the case of YG v State

[Children’s Institute, Peace Centre, Sonke Gender Justice, Centre for Child Law, Save the Children SA, The Parent Centre; Global Initiative to End All Forms of Corporal Punishment.] On 29 November 2018, the Constitutional Court will consider the constitutionality of the use of corporal punishment in the home. The Constitutional Court has prohibited corporal punishment in […]

Human Rights Committee issues recommendation on corporal punishment at latest session

The Human Rights Committee held its 124th session in October/November 2018 and issued recommendations on corporal punishment of children: To Belize, the Committee recommended that the Government take all measures necessary to put an end to corporal punishment in all settings, including through the repeal of the provisions of the Criminal Code which permit the use […]

Supporting moves towards prohibition in Mexico

Over the past few months, the Global Initiative has worked with Mexico’s national child protection system, Sistema Nacional de Protección de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes (SIPINNA) to improve child protection and reduce violence against children in Mexico by advancing the prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment in all settings. Back in 2011, the Mexican Government adopted […]